We just released our latest podcast episode on the We Talk Photo podcast.  This is our 12th episode and we’re going strong.

In this episode we, Jack Graham and myself,  talk about the importance of monitoring and being able to predict the weather so that  you can maximize your photographic opportunities while on location (and remain safe)  We discuss various websites and apps and how we use them in our work as full time photographers.

Plus, we have a special interview with a real users of the Fujifilm Instax camera.  This amazing little camera prints photos directly, similar to what the old Polaroids used to do. The Instax is bringing back that great vibe of sharing printed pics and the younger generation is really gravitating to these fun cameras.

Our podcast is available through all of the major distribution services (iTunes, Android, Stitcher, etc) as well as on our webpage We Talk Photo.   Subscribe to us to catch all of the episodes.