Jack Graham and myself led a successful workshop to Katmai National Park in Alaska to photograph the amazing Alaskan Brown Bear (grizzly) in it’s natural habitat.

I put together a short video with highlights from our workshop.  Check it out here 

If you want to check out the video from 2017, you can see that one here

We enjoyed 5 days of photography with 7 clients and our pilot/host who has flown in Alaska for over 30 years.  Each day we would arise and have a home cooked, hearty breakfast in the main lodge, the don our waders and grab out camera bags and tripods and board the float planes to fly in to the park (25 minute flight time).  After landing on a remote lake, it was usually a short hike to the river and within minutes we were photographing bears fishing, eating, transiting up or down river.  We spent full days out in the field and then flew back to the lodge for another wonderful home cooked dinner.  Afterwards we would spend the evening in the great room and review images or if folks were up for me, do some image processing teaching or photography theory discussion.

Getting up close and personal with these magnificent animals (as close as 20 feet) is an amazing experience.  If you would like to someday do this yourself, please drop me a note or check out more information here