I’m a total convert to the mirrorless camera movement.  I made the final switch to the Fuji Mirrorless system a couple years ago.  I completely love this system and it has reinvigorated my photography, my creative juices and my need for discovery.

As I’ve talked about before, the mirrorless cameras do not enjoy the long battery life of its DSLR cousins…..between the Electronic Viewfinder, heavier utilization of the LCD screen, more processing power which requires more power…..mirrorless cameras suck the batteries dry.  As a result, I’ve collected a fair assortment of batteries for my Fuji.


OEM batteries, Wasabi and other brands, I have a nice little pile of batteries to see me through any extended shooting session I might have.  For sure an all day shooting session, out and about with heavy use, I can go through 3-6 batteries.  The first thing i do when returning to the hotel or arriving at home, I plug in all of the batteries I’ve used to begin the charging process.

The Fuji came with a nice single battery charger.  I’ve got one or two Wasabi single chargers.  Then I bought a Wasabi USB dual charger and another brand of USB dual charger.  I wrote an earlier blog post about these USB chargers.  After using them for a period of time, the honeymoon is over.  I don’t like them that much…I don’t think they fully charge the battery through the USB, no matter what I have them plugged in to.

Feeling a bit frustrated and fed up with the power demands, I finally pulled the trigger on a dual charger that I’ve been eyeing for quite a while now, the Watson Duo LCD charger fitted with Fuji plates.  The unit itself is generic, and then you can customize it to whichever battery system you use by snapping in custom plates to fit the batteries.

This is a powerhouse!   The LCD shows battery levels and voltage, you can perform a test without having to charge and it runs on 120-240v current so it’s good worldwide.  Granted it’s a bit bigger than the USB chargers, but for my peace of mind, stable charging of batteries, full charges….and to handle the volume when I’m on long photography trips, I can’t think of anything better to have with me.    Check it out here at BH Photo

