John Pedersen Photography Blog
The written word can be as creative and artistic as a photograph. So I strive to write regular blog posts about my travels, gear reviews or just some thoughts that need to get out. I hope you find information, insight or inspiration through my blog.
What is the Subject
Have you ever pondered the questions, what is the subject? I ask this question a lot of my attendees when reviewing images and it's not quite clear what the photo is about. But today, I'm [ read more ... ]
I've been thinking about writing a blog post about cropping photographs for some time now and just lately I've noticed more discussion out on the inter-web about cropping photos to create "better" images. So I [ read more ... ]
Creative Skill versus Technical Skill
Today's post is a bit about creative skill versus technical skill and how we as photographers use one, or both, to create our images. I would define the difference between the two as: Technical [ read more ... ]
New Year
Happy New Year everyone! Is the New Year a big deal for you or not so much? For me, it's never been that big of a deal. I've not been a believer in affirmations or [ read more ... ]
Learned Eye
I recently received a response to my post Be An Artist from someone and they brought up some great points about having a "learned eye" instead of a gifted eye towards art and I wanted [ read more ... ]
Look Past The Icons
I'm in the Grand Teton National Park as I write this and as I'm sitting in one of the most beautiful parks in our country, I am suggesting for you to look past the icons [ read more ... ]
Be An Artist
I am preparing to give a keynote presentation in a couple weeks and one of the presentations I’m working on is titled “Be An Artist, Not A Camera Owner”. It is focused on helping people [ read more ... ]
Look Down
One of the most helpful pieces of advice I ever got is when I'm on location, don't forget to look down. There is a world of wonder right at your feet and it's often these [ read more ... ]
Monument Valley
I recently returned from a photo workshop in Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelley and I wanted to share with you a bit of the experience. It has been a few years since I was [ read more ... ]