John Pedersen Photography Blog
The written word can be as creative and artistic as a photograph. So I strive to write regular blog posts about my travels, gear reviews or just some thoughts that need to get out. I hope you find information, insight or inspiration through my blog.
Don’t Think
“Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.” — Ray Bradbury I've often thought about, and even [ read more ... ]
Capture One
Over the past few weeks, I've been experimenting with the Capture One editing software in an effort to learn it and evaluate if it is any better than using Adobe Lightroom for my cataloging and [ read more ... ]
Palouse Harvest
I just returned from my most recent workshop to photograph the Palouse Harvest. I had a great group of folks and we enjoyed several days of fantastic conditions which led to some fantastic photographic opportunities. [ read more ... ]
To me, I find subtlety far more rewarding as an artist and as a viewer than something that is bold and screaming in my face to "look at me". Subtlety is nuance, it is slight [ read more ... ]
I Should
How many times a day do you think to yourself, I Should? It's a common refrain for most of us. I should be doing something. I should do chores. I should mow the lawn. I [ read more ... ]
I was in the Palouse recently with a workshop group and I happened to coin a new acronym, WITS, as part of my working with folks to help them improve their own compositions. It may [ read more ... ]
Recommended Reading
If you are someone who still enjoys a good book, whether for pure enjoyment or as a way of learning and growing, I want to share my most recent recommended reading list of books. These [ read more ... ]
Nuance of Light
Driving back from my latest photo workshop in the Palouse, I was reflecting upon the nuance of light and how it is so crucial to setting the mood and even times the whole reason for [ read more ... ]
Post Sunset
After the sun sets over the horizon is one of my most favorite times to photograph as the post sunset light is some of the most interesting of the evening. Too often I witness people [ read more ... ]